Our Team
Meet us
"Our vision is to build a strong bridge between the Asian community and the local community. We passionate about showcasing the unique culture and character of the Asian community to our fellow residents. At the same time, we aim to facilitate a deeper understanding among Asians about the beauty and opportunities that the City of McKinney has to offer. Together, let us work towards a future where cultural exchange is not just encouraged but embraced, where the Asian community and the local community can learn from each other and grow together. We are committed to making our cities more inclusive, understanding, and appreciative of the diversity that makes us stronger as a whole. Thank you for joining us on this journey towards unity and cultural celebration in the City of McKinney." |
Jennie Shen(Event President)
Catherine Chen(Director of Event Operation)
Bo Luo
(Event Marketing)
Hong Fei
(Event Volunteer)
Emma Ramos
(Performance Coordinator)
Lifei Yu Chi
(Performance Coordinator)
Lin Li
(Marketing Coordinator)
Jin Geng(Event Sponsorship & Event Amenities )